BLUE LAKE TO KINGSTON SA - FEB 2016 BLUE LAKES AND BEAUTIFUL SUNSETS When I said we were heading to Mount Gambier, Dad asked were we going to see the Blue Lake. Not knowing what it was, I made a mental note to find out. So a bit of a detour and the Blue Lake we found, what we didn't find is what makes it blue, other than being a volcanic crater. Apparently much bluer in certain days in November, it was still stunning blue, quite unreal for a lake like this.
Further on we got to enjoy a part of country SA that is quite different from elsewhere. Loads of plantation pines with grapes and wineries spattered in amongst it.
A scenic coastal view detour almost defeated us, both with the hills and turning circle at the end. But we made it, the trailer just on the brink of jack knifing Arrived at Kingston SE for the night and out with fishing rod - no fish for Brad and Lola's dinner tonight, vegie stirfry instead.