When we ask the WA locals where they go for holidays - the answer is simple: 1. Bali 2. Kalbarri
We can't drive the bus to Bali, so Kalbarri it is for some much needed R&R. About 730km north of the Bunbury on the magnificent WA coastline, Kalbarri is a poplular holiday destination - much like say Apollo Bay in Victoria is.
So after leaving the Slocombe's from Boddington we head north determine to arrive via Gregory and the Pink Salt Lake. I just had to explore the lake while Brad and Lola waited in the bus, only to discover to my horror how sludgie it is as I sunk like quick sand and shreeded my ankles on the sharp salt shards as I tried to withdraw in panic. One thong less, severely dented pride and disappointed that there was not a rescue party of two showing their concern, onward to Kalbarri.
A neat little coastal tourist town, stunning coastline we settled in to the Kalbarri Anchorage Caravan Park just ahead of the school holiday rush to occur in about 5 days from now.